Really Loved
Time knows no more than I,
Constant and mute to changes.
You were here all along
Looking at me while I searched for wrong
Think of me
Consider my feelings.
Though they may not mean much to you, now.
I know one day the sun will shine
Upon this blackened landscape of mine.
Treasure of the sea
Docking my ship along the beach,
Alone I stand, staring out at the rough sea,
You were my home
You were my home
Now I just walk the streets.
A Toy
I need someone to love me the way 'he' used to do
I need someone who listens to me, someone just like you
Return My Heart
Oh most vile of assasins,
You've waylaid my heart.
No CoNtRoL
I can't control who you want.
It's up to you to choose.
It’s said we only fear
What we can’t see;