

By: angela renee williamson

As we sit here wondering about the world outside.....
I feel trapped....
stuck , lost .....
trying to grasp something that isn't there........

Trapped in these walls...
but free to come and go.....
the feeling of trying to change something
that doesn't know any diffrent..............

Trapped to an emotion and I don't know were to start...
or where it might end........
so I will have to follow my heart...
when my mind tries to overpower...
trapped in these walls, or just trapped in this mind........

Nothing will change unless the first step is taken....
getting the motivation to start...
can leave behind someone else in pain......
but you know what your heart is telling you...
and your mind is thinking for you......

Do what you feel, don't deny what you can't change....
being trapped in your mind will cause you more pain......
follow your heart....listen to the tiny whisper..........
and your happines will finally break free....