

By: Sunday B. Fakus

You fuel my mind with the thought of you
You quench my thirst with the joy you bring
Your footprints are visible in my mind
You create indelible marks in my soul for life

Your bright eyes and your shining sight
Feed my heart with full delight
Your gracious love and tender touch
Fill my thirsty soul to the brim

Through you I wonder the perfection of nature
That portrays itself in earthly world of treasure
Glorified and cheered by every creature
Celebrating the mastery of your figure

In singleness of mind and unity of hope
Our mission of love will be fully accomplished
By mutual respect and sense of purpose
Our love will reach where it's supposed to be

You blow my mind and whet my whistle
Making your wish my only command
You painted my heart's gate with tears of joy
Decorating it with your misty kiss of love