
The Truth

By: John 4 Life

I love you so much.
Please remember that.
But some things come,
and some things go,
but our love
will hold us through.
If you haven't realized
what people say isn't always true,
they do this because they're jealous of me and you.
But push them aside
and focus on us.
I have one question
i want to ask,
so you probably do, too.
As days come
and days go,
i'll always be true to you.
If you ask me something
i will not lie.
I'll just look you in the eye
and tell you what's on my mind.
I trust you with me heart,
that you will keep it safe
from all harm.
From this day on,
i will never let anything go unsaid,
i won't let another tear shed.
If you are sad,
just call me up,
i'll be there to listen.
I love you more each day.
You're in my every thought.
I hope you know that what I say is all true
because I will never lie to you.