
Trivial Things

By: Bryan Saunders

Life is full of little trivial things;
Some surprisingly pleasant - yet most make you go insane;

They lead from all the things we wish we could do;
Why does it seem that most people want to hurt you?

There are too few decent people out there that think love resides in the heart;
But that hope and illusion only leads to ripping them apart;

Some people you just look at and know for you they are right;
But for some reason they don’t and leave you without a fight;

They leave not knowing they tore you into two;
Not knowing why they left and what you are to do?

All you want is to hold them one more time in your arms;
But all you have left is dreams of their charms;

You may want to give them all you can;
But they still refuse to open their hand;

If they would just love instead of hate;
They would get all their deserved glories and accept their fate;

They might be the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen;
But the only thing that is actually real to you is just a hopeless dream;

They may limit how much they let themselves care;
And cause their heart to go empty and bare;

If I saw myself not caring and turn that way;
You are sure to find me and a gun buried under some hay;

All you want from them is to accept;
And then you can live again without having a single regret;

They may have wrote that "between you both love could possibly exist";
That gave out a hope and a forever cherished kiss;

If they would at least call you now and again to show they care or just to talk;
You would know they like you, but not necessarily a lot;

If they could only give you a small piece of them;
Then there wouldn’t have to be an end;

An end is necessary to eliminate the blue;
If it continued like it has, there will be no more you;

You will die and have a tormented soul left under;
To become part of another’s misunderstood thunder.