
Sweet Pink Rose

By: Michael David Coffey

Delicate in design,
frail vibrancy in your smile
Poised elegantly in anticipation
of life's journeys
Among the beginnings, and the
ends, of time
A lover's path through fine
roses in fragrant bloom

Delicate in desires,
expectant, unsure
Ready for the world, despite
false trails
Momentarily lost in the woods,
wandering lonely
A lovers path you found
in fragrant delight

Desiring your looks and
touching your smile
Lips on lips
And delicious kisses,
spinning mists of
heavenly love
That is how it began
And my life turned
Like a clock renewed

Desiring you, desiring you
Touching your sweet pink
In nearness of togetherness
We went together along
that path
And picked of the fragrant
My Sweet, Pink Rose