
Waiting For The Dawn

By: Mick Goodson

12:30 AM
- I am close now,
so close I can feel your heart
beating against my chest.
Were you trying to break free?
Or are you holding yourself tight to me?
My head speaks of how my heart feels
a mixed up world where time seems unreal.
- Waiting for the dawn.

01:00 AM
- I am hopeful now,
lost somewhere in this king-sized bed
where the duvet and pillows divide us.
There is silence where a pin would smash
broken only by lost dreams as they crash.
And this room reverberates with the sound
of a million excuses that were honour bound.
- Waiting for the dawn.

01:30 AM
- I am distant now,
so far on the other side of this bed
listening, for the sound of you breathing.
Now, am I a friend or some midnight stranger?
Do you still feel safe and out of all danger?
Is it me you hoped to greet in the morning
or hurriedly leave without any warning.
- Waiting for the dawn.

02:00 AM
- I am lost now,
so vacant here in the middle of this bed.
Are you longing for me as I am for you?
Am I in the distance, the back of your mind,
am I still your lover or just someone who’s kind?
Can we start again- let it all be changed,
take back the spite and our words re-arranged.
- Waiting for the dawn.

02:30 AM
- I am cold now,
Freezing here on your side of the bed,
there’s nowhere left for me to turn.
Was it written in blood, was it cast in stone
that a house can be full, but may not be a home.
A clock loudly ticks away hours of despair
I reach out my hand – but there’s no-one there.
- Waiting for the dawn.

04:00 AM
- I stand at the window,
gaze into the darkness of our last curtain call,
all wishes have been paired to the bone.
The shadows grow longer as the Moon takes a bow
and the Stars- they curtsy, no hope is left now.
Do I return to that bed somewhere in the gloom
or learn to adjust and get out of this room?
- Before, a new day dawns.