

By: Steve Soskin

You have impacted my life with your sensuality
My joy has been fed by your laughter
While my sensibilities took a side-road to oblivion
Your beauty has shone through the heavens
Piercing my nights with love laden cries of delight

You came to me and changed my existence
Your caress became a need, a smile, a desire
The music of your voice cried to my soul
Sing me a love song and carry it throughout the pathways of my life

Your perfect body, a vision of impossible possibilities
As the fortress of my inhibitions was conquered
With but a single caress

With but a look from your eyes
You melted my essence to a pliable permanence
Traveling the well-worn path of love
To reach the heights of the unattainable

But forgive this humble scrivener
For scratching down words of love
Reality is but fantasy made to happen
And love more than words
As it takes us careening
Down the tortuous path
To love's reward