
As You Go

By: Ron Bliss

God be with you in your walk.
As you go on your way,
I wish you joy and happiness,
And love throughout each day.

I wish you comfort in your heart,
His peace within your soul,
Sharing all, with which you’re blessed,
Could be your daily goal.

Remember all that’s good in life,
And leave the rest behind.
Let memories reflect but love,
When they are brought to mind.

May all your trials, your rugged miles
Be few and far between.
When troubles knock upon your door,
May answers then be seen?

May every sunrise, each sunset,
Each rainbow that you view
Bring great elation to your heart,
Refresh and comfort you.

At times, in quiet, still, dark hours,
When thoughts are clear and deep,
May all concerns and worldly cares
Have then been put to sleep.

In solitude, these lonely times,
If they should ever be,
I only wish, once in a while,
That you will think of me.