

By: William Thomas Kinsey

There are many mothers I have known,
some stand out from all the rest;
you know yourself, you're one of those
as a mother, you're the best!

Your care, concern and mother's pride
I have seen, it never dies;
your mother's badge is on your chest
your mother's love is in your eyes.

You put first your mothers duty,
you build your kids a happy nest,
your children come before you
as a mother, you are blessed.

Your life is but a second thought,
you must put your children first,
you can live your life another day,
your mother's love's about to burst.

The things a mother does each day,
all the battles she has fought,
I know you'd fight and die for them
and all without a second thought.

Yes, I envy love like this,
you say it's just a mother's part;
indeed, you are an angel
for you have a mother's heart.