

By: solidpnay solidpnay

I- love you since the first time
we talked on the phone

L-onger we're talking, the more I learned to love you,
the more I feel comfortable with you
O-ne time you came to visit me- I'm already
in love with you but I cannot say any word
V-ery often when I talked to you
you always make fun of me so I can
laugh through all the problems i've got
E-verything in this world, it is only you
I want... no one else

Y-ou share things, I enjoy even if they're
not my favorites
O-n the day we say goodbye I felt so lonely
and I know that time you're the one for me
U-nhappy I am now beause we're not together
and hoping soon we're gonna be together and
and I promise we're not gonna be apart ever again...

This is for you Olimar Olivenza
Your the Love of My Life.....