
for so long

By: Steph M. Neal

For so long i have waited for you
to want to hold me each and every night,
i have wanted to be the object of your affection.

For so long i have waited for you
to tell me that you have loved me for so long,
and that you finally have the guts and grit to tell me!

For so long i have watched you
fall in and out of love with so many women
(while i have only truly loved one)
while you always seemed to care and pay attention
even if you really don't care.

For so long i have waited for this moment
and i can't believe it's finally here,
you are sitting here, telling me you really do love me
and you really do care

For all this time i have waited...
it is finally paying off
and you want to hold me as i want to hold you
and i can't begin to start to thank you
for making me wait for so long
because that time of waiting has made me need you more.