

By: Enrique Alberto Hurtado Minotta

Shades that move themselves silently
in the darkness of the night,
Lost shades that embrace themselves
in the silence of the night.
Shadows that break themselves in loving, moaning,
while they are contorted slowly
in the immensity of the night.
Misplaced shades!
Wandering shades!
Loving shades!
Shades that took the road
of the night already a long time ago.
Shadows that gave up the daylight
and strayed in the roads of the night.
Shades that discovered the love
while they strolled solitary
the roads of the night.
Shades that found the love,
Love that denied them the day
in the magic world of the night.
Misplaced shades!
Vagabond shades!
Loving shades!
Happy shades that stop themselves.
Shades that kiss each other and begin
softly the dance of the love
to the rhythm of the beats of their hearts
in the silence of the night.
Happy shades of the infinite Kingdom
and free of the night.
Misplaced shades!
Vagabond shades!
Loving shades!
Free shades and owners of the night
As I envy them from my jail of light!