
Look What I've Found...

By: Vincent Paul Gonzales

Look what I've found,
It's my shattered heart…
Broken and battered,
It's been torn apart…

Oh my! What is that?
Oh, it's just healing…
Away goes all the sorrow…
The pain…the misery…

What's that thing I feel?
Is it true? Is it real?
Is my heart again with feeling?
Can it beat again and feel?

Oh, wow! Oh, how sweet…
To feel again,
My weak heart beat…
I think I'll cry now; I'm trembling...

Oh, my god, I feel once more…
No more sorrow; the pain's gone out the door…
No more crying and lying on the floor…
My heart is fixed; now it beats once more….

Good bye sorrow…
Adios tears…
No more insecurities will you ever find here….
I'm happy now…