

By: Juzz do it

Break not, as the ground beneath you begins to shake
Fail me not as time draws on, making you weary
Give not into intimidation and aggravation
For I am here with you...

The tides may rise, crashing onto your sandy shores
The currents may try to wash you away, forever lost
But take my hand, bolder than the seas
Let it be your salvation in times of need, in times of
pain and suffering
I am always by your side

The days can darken and be the world's last
The moon can crumble, and the stars can dim till
they sparkle no more
The sun can grow cold and fizzle away
But flee from you- I will not!

Beat me, bleed me, rape me, deceive me,
Torture me as they might, but I...
I will not falter, I will not stray
My edges might fray, my surface may blur
But I shall leave you not...