
how can you lose someone you've never had?

By: Madeline

I lost him!
as lovers lose themselves to the sun,
as moonbeams make their way back to the moon,
like a single second that returns itself to an hour,
as a flicker surrenders itself to a flame.
I lost him
from same to same.
this familiar stranger
who never really said his name.

How can you hurt someone you've never touched?
i don't think i'm capable
as he is capable.
i'm a ripple in his puddle,
a bird-song in mid-flight
racing to meet him in empty corners.
I could swear
i can feel him crying.
he is laughing too hard.

How can you love someone you never knew?
i would rather i made him up.
i would rather we flitted past each other
like two pieces of cosmic dust.
but he had to be my nearest
of a thousand towers
i could have viewed safely from afar.
So i had to break walls to love him.
so he gets to watch me
tear myself apart.