
For Matthew

By: Sandra J. Rosabella

You invade my every thought.
Slip heaven so softly into my head,
bringing closure to the loneliness
and wiping out the corruption I've held
towards the others I've met

You sooth my torn soul,
singing your way into my heart.
Even though I'm hesitant to let you in
because I'm unsure of when you'll stop the song
you say reminds you of me.

I want to go forward with my eyes closed;
to feel safe, in and out of your arms;
to know that when you say you'll be here in the morning,
you're not lying again, not playing games again.

I don't want to watch my back
for the knife you pulled on me before.
I want to enjoy every moment
before they cease to exist in your arms.

And they mock me,
saying you'll hurt me again.
Telling me to simply be careful.
But, I don't want history to live my life today,
so I'll take the chance of being trampled on
for a few days of sunshine in my dim room.

You told me you'd never let me get hurt,
if I held onto you, I would never fall.
But falling has it's double meaning,
and that's what I was intending to do.
Because I'm sure nothing could be as sweet,
as you falling for me and me falling for you.