
Things I Love

By: Robert Louis Arehart

The growing-out of buds in Spring
The flight of new birds - taking wing.
The heat of a June day - blazing noon
The cry in the dusk - of a homebound loon.

The smell of the rain on the countryside
The silence of snowflakes on downwind ride.
The jewel-dew of mornings - as bright as fire
The wind in tall pines - a musical lyre.

The whispering sonnets of rushing wind
The swaying of tall pines - bright moonlight thinned.
The feelings of triumph, of wildness, of joy
The sparkle of fireworks - bright as a toy.

The brilliance of moonlight - cold white heat
The infectious rhythm of a Bongo's beat.
The feeling of wildness and joy persists
When one is aware and FEELS he exists!