
a square circle

By: Susan Carol Kleinhans

one melancholy artist,
quite gifted
with paints, canvas, clay
and any other substance
that came his way,
was doomed to be
a square circle,
a round triangle.
he remained
each and every day
he ached,
he longed
for love until
a bitter cold Monday
when a new pupil
shuffled through the door.
he was smitten
she was a meek little kitten
he tried to force love's
fickle hand.
she bolted through the Master's door
"I can't take that demented
Genius...any more!!!"
He grieved for a love
he had never won.
two lonely years had passed
another fair young lass
strode through the door.
He held his tongue,
he played it cool,
He would not, twice, be
Love's wretched fool.
Feelings slowly grew
between the two.
His life is still filled
with misery and strife
but, at least he is quite content
with his sweet, young, patient wife!!!