
Do You Remember?

By: Selena Rae

Do you remember...
Walking along the beach
And then sitting in the cool green grass
To watch those amazing fireworks?

Do you remember...
Driving to the lake to go fishing
Sitting in that boat but catching nothing
Then ending the night with burnt hamburgers?

Do you remember...
All of our good times together
When no one else in the world mattered
Just you and me holding each other tight?

Do you remember...
Driving home in the pouring rain
Thinking of excuses to make for me being late
And then taking 10 minutes to say good-night?

Do you remember...
Going to a party only to be lost in passion
Drinking till we were sick
And then falling asleep in each other's arms?

Do you remember...
When I meant more than the world to you
When you would've done anything for me
When you loved me more than life itself?

Tell Me, Darlin', Why Must It Be A Memory?