

By: Yolanda Vega

In my heart there's a hole waiting to be covered up.
There's a pain waiting to be a healed.
In my mind, there are questions floating around, answers to be said.
In my eyes there are tears ready to fall; tears of anger and sadness.
In my body, there's a part of me somewhere that wants to give up.
A weak place that will soon break down.
In my dreams there are fantasies that I would like to fulfill.
There are dreams that I wish would come true.
So many problems, so many situations that I put myself through,
Being stressed out for the things I did not do,
Things that I shouldn't worry about,
Being scared of what life has in store in the near future.
How terrible the world is going to end
and the hardest problems that will begin.
In my life, patience is what I need
and for right now, my life is incomplete.