
It's Over Now

By: Melinda Merry Burnett

I know it's time to let you go
I can't pretend anymore
I can't keep telling myself you still care
When all you do is hurt me
I can't pretend you make me smile
When all you do is cause tears
I can't pretend things are the same
When you don't even still love me
I can't risk everything
Because I think I still have a chance
It's never going to happen
My second chance was a miricle
My third impossible
We shared some great memories
But that's all they are anymore
Memories of the past...
And that's what I've got to face
I can't keep holding back
I can't give up all that I am
You meant so much to me
And I loved you with all my heart
But I can't keep dreaming...
It's over now