
She Took You Away From Me

By: Silver Of W.S.S.G'z

She walked away with you,
Your hand in her hand.
She smiled at me,
Knowing what she had done.
She laughs at my face every time I see her,
She laughs at you behind your back,
Without you ever knowing.
She never really cares about you,
She will never help you,
But most of all,
She can never share her love.
She only wants you for herself,
And to make me sad.
She wants me to hurt myself, very bad.
She lies to you every day,
Nothing is true.
She says things that I never said,
But you believe it's true.
She knows she has you wrapped around her finger,
That's why she plays her games.
When will you ever see,
My love is better than hers?
My love will stay forever,
My love will never fail,
My love will keep you going,
Even when nothing prevails.
My love will make you smile,
My love will make you turn away from her.
Someday you will see
That she will never love you
As I loved you.