
Crimson Tears

By: Shasta Jean Christiansen

Never have I seen her cry this way.
Almost 17 years I've known her.
Crying until tears were drained,
Crying until breath was short,
Then, with nothing else left,
She sheds a crimson tear.
Tears of blood,
Of pain, of anger, of doubt,
Of failure, of ugliness,
Of pity, of sorrow, of hate.
Of what she wants to be, but can't,
Of what she could have been, but failed,
Of what they want of her,
Of what they need from her,
Of what they take from her,
Of what they scream at her...
Oh, God, the courage of me,
To reach out and see,
Real blood from her eyes?
I lift my hand,
Higher, higher,
I reach for her pain-painted face.
Then everything stops.
Blocked by glass,
By reflection.
A mirror.
I see.
I shed another crimson tear.
It's me.