
My Lost Love

By: Tonya G. Cochran

You said you needed to leave;
I wanted you to stay.
You said you couldn't;
I said that was okay

You said everything would be the same;
You said we'd still be friends.
You said you'd be by my side
Till the very end.

But we slowly grew apart.
Though you said everything would be the same,
The day i realized it wasn't,
I died that day.

It was like i had no love after we fell apart
Like i had no feeling,
Like i had no heart.

I can't believe i didn't see it.
First you stopped calling and stopping by,
Then you stopped waving or even saying, "Hi."

It seems like i never knew you,
Like you were never there.
I know you see it too,
But i wonder if you even care.

I wonder if you care that i once loved you,
And it was all my love i'd send.
I'm not just losing my lover,
I'm losing my Best Friend.