

By: Knight

The pain so great, my heart can't take it,
My life so empty, I just can't fake it.
Time seems wasted, so many regrets,
My past it haunts me, I just can't forget.

So many questions, nothing I can do,
Why me I ask, can this be true?
Where has my life gone, it makes me so blue,
The memories still with me, how can life be so cruel?

I am giving up hope, I feel lost and alone,
Nothing was easy, why was I born?
Is there hope, does my life go on?
Should I continue, the journey seems long.

My hand feels warmth, a soft tenderness,
A presence you feel, the touch of a caress.
The tears in your eyes, hide things from view,
A soft voice speaks, I am here with you.

I feel your pain, your emotions so deep,
I see your tears, your heart it does weep.
All is not lost, your life not in vain,
Take my hand love, and live once again.

Together we walk, you are alone no more,
Together we share, open the door.
Hope lies ahead, the future awaits,
The past is the past, no longer in chains.

Walk with me dear, together we share,
Life is not over, it awaits us there.
The hand wipes the tears, from your tear stained face,
You see me there, your destiny awaits.