
The Love

By: Christi Lyn Albertson

The first day I met you,
You brought laughter to my ears,
You gave me strenth to live on,
You taught me ways to live,
You told me things I never really knew about,
Showed me ways to live up to G.O.D and my beliefs,
And I never ever thanked you for that.
My baby, My lover, My soulmate, I love you Always,
Each day I wake up I think of how you are doing
How you are feeling, what is up? how was your night, how was sleep?
I always wonder what you are thinking.
Baby, I'd just like to tell you you mean the world to me.
The light shines when I get your email, the dark clouds go away.
When I hear your voice, My heart sighs in belief, it
Rests beneath me, My mind and my body melt to hear
Those 3 words: "I love you"
Baby, you mean the world to me. Never give up that.
I love you always.