
Some days the air is thick with it

By: Ingrid Showalter Swift

Some days... the air is thick with it
I open the door
and know something is coming
the world is transformed... quivering
the air swirls and shimmers
as if I were caught up in God's Gossamer gown

the cricket and locust's song drifts
in and out
as if they were hammocking in fairy filled seed pods
the branches above my head hang low with light struck dew
and damp sun dipped green

time floats and bends
the smells of fresh cut grass and eden air rush around me
the stars shine unseen with knowing abandon
You are with me... around me... in me
I hear you... feel you... taste you
and know what it is you want to say

Other days
I feel completely alone... but knowing better, I hang on.