
My Love Finally Found

By: Sunday B. Fakus

In fragments and parts
my heart spreads around,
Searching for meanings of love
lost but inherent in life,
Everywhere and places sought
real dilemma encountered,
Confusion ensued...
what no man could pursue.

Sea of life...
a cool scented breeze,
Spreading around
to fill every sensible being,
Destined to last...
a careful design of God,
Love in the heart...
a destroyer of worries and fears.

A journey well spent...
a patient search for the truth,
Planted in the heart...
in the field flowing with love,
Flashing eyes,
floating hair round my face,
Symphonies and songs...
deep delight of your praises.

Guesses of my mind,
gestures of my soul,
Erased all the pains
of games played with my brain;
At snail pace,
traveling through the
lonely space,
Your innocent heart
my love finally found.