
I Love You

By: Amber M. Hoyle

I love you more than any words can say.
You make me feel complete,
Like I'm somebody
And I can't express my love for you enough.

Before you came into my life
I was feeling completely alone.
Now I know I have someone by my side.
I'm glad it's you who cares.
...And I love you.

I know I can trust you completely... and I do.
I know I could put my life into your hands
And know you would do anything to protect it.
...And I love you for it.

You've made me open up like no one else has.
I can tell you anything without you criticizing me
...And I love you for it.

You are really wonderful
And I feel very fortunate to have you.
I'm glad I'm with you.
I hope I'll be with you always...
...And, I love you.